We oppose the apartment complex being built, this is not a site for a commercial venture, this is a parcel of property that should be severed into a few single-family homes consistent with adjacent homes, continuing the green space and habitat in the neighborhood, not an apartment complex.

Destruction of Green Space and Wildlife

We take pride in owning and caring for our green spaces, some extra grass to cut and to be able to reside in a mostly fence free area. All of the neighbor’s appreciate the wildlife in the area, we all see wildlife daily and watch it roam about freely, we enjoy to be able to watch the animal’s roam. Its why we all moved here, or have stayed here so long.

There are very few fences on the East side of the street and limited number of fences on the West Side of the street. On my property, I have had deer, turkeys, possum, racoons, skunks, squirrels, cats, gophers, just to name the animals. My neighbor across the street has a couple coyotes that frequent her back yard located on Little River.

We have pictures of deer on the 3129 Lauzon property, deer come on our property across the street from 3129, deer were also photographed and put in the Windsor star when they roamed on Little River Golf Course earlier this year. Little River crosses Lauzon Road 7 houses down from this proposed apartment complex and frequently you see animals that have been hit by cars lying on the road, it’s a natural crossing that the animals use when they follow the river’s edge and come to the road.

The animals have Little River, plenty of cover and unobstructed properties, with the apartment buildings these animals will be on the move more due to lack of green space pushing more to cross the road looking for cover and resources which will see an increase in animals killed by traffic and animals pushed into Forest Glade.


If the property is rezoned, there is language in the new zoning for lines of gradual site for the buildings, the buildings will be located close to the road with no sidewalks, pedestrians will jaywalk across the busy street to access the sidewalk.

There is language in the plans for the developer to have the right to change the building plans as he goes and who knows where that ends up, but one thing for certain, building changes will happen as they go.

The apartment complex proposes to sit on a river that flows through a city, the runoff of salt, car lubricants, etc. leaked onto the ground that will make its way into the river will be immeasurable and probably not monitored after.

These building call to be built 3-4 stories high close to the road and close to existing property lines, this does not reflect a gradual line of site as I was told that is required by the city.

The heights of the buildings will directly affect our line of sight. The added lights from parking lot lights and car headlights will shine into our windows all hours of the night. Combined with the key lock horns from 120 cars located across the street, the added noise, sounds of cars accelerating constantly when pulling out of the parking lot.