1.0 Introduction

Dillon Consulting Limited (‘Dillon’) has been retained by 2605385 Ontario Inc., herein referred to as the “Applicant”, to assist in obtaining the necessary planning approvals associated with a proposed mixed use development at 1200 & 1220 University Avenue West. On December 2, 2020, Dillon ConsulƟng Limited (Dillon) held a virtual residents meeƟng over an online “Zoom” call.  

Dillon prepared and presented a PowerPoint PresentaƟon (refer to Appendix A – Residents MeeƟng PresentaƟon – 1200 & 1220 University Avenue West ) outlining the proposed development and the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments. Following the PowerPoint PresentaƟon, there were three (3)

“Breakout Rooms” created to answer and address quesƟons, concerns, and comments expressed by residents. Each breakout room addressed a speci fi c area of concern:

Karl Tanner and Josh Hurley-Burns of Dillon answered quesƟons in Breakout Room 1, Dan Amicone and Vas Papadiamantopoulos of ArchitecƩura Inc., and George Robinson, Senior Planner at the City of Windsor answered quesƟons in Breakout Room 2, and Greg Atkinson, Senior Planner for the City of Windsor and Rino Bortolin, Ward 3 City Councillor, answered quesƟons in Breakout Room 3. 

Following the breakout session, the enƟre group engaged in a discussion regarding any last comments or quesƟons pertaining to the proposal.