It is interesting that the Memo provided by Dillon Consulting dated March 1, 2017 shows a picture of the property with the home. The me mo states: “Prior to Dillon’s involvement, some trees were removed on the property to provide access to construction debris (drywall and plumbing fixtures) and general household waste that had been dumped on the property.” This picture is found in the memo noted as Appendix A. We think it is safe to say that many species of wildlife would have inhabited this area.

As you can see in the picture below, MANY trees were, in our opinion, unnecessarily cut down by the developer and we are assuming that ERCA permission was not sought, nor obtained to do this. It was certainly not necessary to cut those trees down to remove constrution debris. Even trees were removed from the west side of the property that abbutted Little River, which is a protected area.

Here are pictures of the home and property before the developers came in. As you can see, many trees were taken down – even along Little River. We feel this land has been ravaged by the developer and that these trees were taken down without ERCA’s permiss ion and certainly done before their application had to be filed and then ERCA would step in. This is the start of clearing wildlife, plants and trees where wildlife live. In fact, an article in the Windsor Star on Oct 3, 2020 showed pictures of some work beavers were doing in the area. I understand there was an article awhile ago also about deer in the area, and as mentioned, they were seen on this property as late as Dec 6, 2020.