Questions and Concerns Raised at November DHSC meeting
Question or Concern Response
Planning Related Questions or Concerns
The proposed building height increase from 14m to 19m is not compatible with surrounding structures. The proposed building height of 19m is compatible to surrounding structures. The Portofino Condos located adjacent to the proposed development site to the north (1225 Riverside Drive) is a 16 storey structure. Additionally, the multiple dwelling building located at 120 Oak Street, approximately 160m northeast of the development site, is an 11 storey structure. The proposed building height is more compatible to the surrounding low density residential development that the existing multiple dwellings. The proposed height increase supports intensification and compact form.
The proposed building height increase from 14m to 19m will obstruct the westerly view of residents living on Elm Avenue. Views are not protected. The proposed height increase will support intensification and compact form.
The proposed 0m parking area separation from a habitable window is a safety and nuisance concern for residents occupying units adjacent to the parking area. The proposed residential units adjacent to the 0m parking area separation will be elevated from the proposed parking area eliminating any safety or nuisance concerns. The 0m parking area separation will allow for more parking and functionality on the subject site.
The proposed residential parking standard reduction (1.25 spaces per unit reduced to 1 parking space per unit) will cause parking overflow onto adjacent streets. A Traffic Impact Study and Parking Memo was prepared for the proposed development which justifies a reduction to 0.9 parking spaces per residential unit. The site has a total of 238 parking spaces, 133 of which will be dedicated to the multiple dwelling building (133 units proposed). Additionally there are approximately 100 on-street parking spaces on University Avenue West, within a 3 block radius of the site which are currently underutilized. The subject site supports active transportation and transit, which will relieve demand for parking on the proposed development.
1200 & 1220 University Avenue West – Residents Meeting – December 2nd 2020