Item 7.5

Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 3638-3738 Howard Avenue SDN-001/20 [SDN/6094]- Luigi Albano, Albano Holdings Inc., Imperial Developments Inc., 2601817 Ontario Ltd., J. Rauti Developments Inc. - Ward 9 a) Jim Abbs, Planner III ( powerpoint )

Item 7.6

Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a Multiple Dwelling Development - 3129 Lauzon Road ZNG-026/20 [ZNG/6173]-2516053 Ontario Inc., - Ward 7

  1. Jim Abbs, Planner III ( powerpoint )

  2. Melanie Muir, Dillon consulting (available for questions)

  3. Brenda Gagnier, representing property owner Rose-Marie Gagnier

  4. Paresh Jariwala, area resident

  5. Jacqueline Roy-Proulx, area resident

  6. Tom Porter, Solicitor representing Randy and Pam Churchill Item 7.7

Item 7.7

Rezoning - AIPL Canada Holdings Inc. – 1200-1220 University Avenue West - Z-009/20 [ZNG/6070] - Ward 3

  1. Greg Atkinson, Senior Planner ( powerpoint )

  2. Joshua Hurley-Burns and Karl Tanner, Dillon Consulting

  3. Mike Greenwood, MIW Services

  4. Al Conle, area resident

  5. Aimee Allen, area resident

  6. Suzanne Cayen, area resident

  7. Lori Inverarity, area resident

  8. Greg Allen, area resident

  9. James Tuz, area resident

Administrative Reports (5-minute maximum)