Executive Summary:



The Downtown Windsor Enhancement Strategy and Community Improvement Plan (Downtown CIP) was adopted by City Council on September 29, 2017 and an adopting by-law was passed by City Council on October 16, 2017.

The Downtown CIP provides financial incentives to encourage new residential development, retail investment, facade improvements, and building/property improvements.

5021089 Ontario Inc submitted a Downtown CIP grant application under the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program and New Residential Development Grant Program for the proposal at 477 Pelissier Street (property location shown in Appendix A). The applicant proposes to convert the existing vacant building to seven (7) new residential units and one (1) office unit. The owner also proposes facade improvements to the building as part of the development. Appendix B contains existing photographs of the property and the proposed facade improvements.

Applicant Information:

477 Pelissier Street Owner: 5021089 Ontario Inc