1. small scale forms: single detached, semi-detached, duplex and row and multiplexes with up to 8 units; and

  2. large scale forms: buildings with more than 8 units.

The recommended amendment changes the subject parcel and a portion of the lands abutting south from a Green District to a Residential District that permits low profile housing types of the small-scale forms. Therefore, this amendment conforms with the above noted Residential Land Use policies of the OP.

East Riverside Planning Area – Development Policies (2.7), OP Vol.2

Parkland Conveyance 

Although, CR291/2001 approved the conveyance of the subject parcel for use as local park, it is important to note that the subject land is designated Residential in the Land Use Schedules of the Primary and Secondary Plans (OP Volumes 1 & 2). Therefore, the OP Land Use policies relating to Public Open Spaces do not necessarily apply to the subject parcel. However, it is relevant to consider the “Disposition of Parkland” and “Proceeds from Parkland Disposition” policies ( &, respectively) of the Primary Plan in discussing the subject zoning amendment.

The municipality has considered the relevant Open Space Policies and are currently of the opinion that isolated small parks are no longer desirable, that parkland consolidation for larger multi use and multi functional parks should be emphasized/promoted. It has been determined that

A review of the “Zoning By - law Amendment Evaluation Criteria” (s. confirms that this Zoning By-law Amendment meets the said evaluation criteria. It is appropriate to mention that the proposed use of the subject site is for small-scale low profile residential development, primarily in the form of single detached dwellings, which is compatible to the use of adjacent or similar lands in the area.

This zoning by-law amendment, maintains conformity with the Official Plan, therefore, it satisfies the requirement in of the OP.


The subject land is zoned Green District 1.1 (GD1.1) by Zoning By-law 8600. Appendix C, attached to this report, contains Excerpts from Zoning By-law 8600 outlining permitted uses within the GD1.1. Maps 1, 2 & 3 below show the limits of the GD1.1 zoning district.