Council Report: S 142/2020

Subject: Ford City CIP/Building Facade Improvement CIP-1008 Drouillard Rd.


Date to Council: December 14, 2020
Author: Kevin Alexander, MCIP RPP
Senior Planner --Special Projects
519-255-6543 Ext. 6732
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: October 14, 2020
Clerk’s File #: Z/13251

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT the request for incentives under the Ford City CIP Financial Incentive Programs made by 2594756 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Kyle MacDonald), owner of the property located at 1008 Drouillard Road BE APPROVED, for the following incentive programs:

    1. Retail Investment Grant in the amount of $15,000 per ground floor retail unit);

    2. Municipal Development Fees Grant in the amount of +/- $1,503.00

    3. Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program for 100% of the municipal portion of the tax increment for up to 10 years (amount to be determined if eligible);

  2. THAT subject to completion and review satisfactory to the City Planner, the request made by 2594756 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Kyle MacDonald), owner of the property located at 1008 Drouillard Road, BE APPROVED for grants totalling a maximum of $15,000 in principle under the Building Facade Improvement Program and Urban Design Guidelines for Main Streets Community Improvement Plan;

  3. THAT should the renovations result in an increased assessment which would make this application eligible for a property tax increment grant, Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare the agreement between the City and 2594756 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Kyle MacDonald) to implement the Building/Property Improvement Tax