Increment Grant Program (only) in accordance with all applicable policies, requirements to the satisfaction of the City Planner as to content, the City Solicitor as to legal form, and the CFO/City Treasurer as to financial implications;

Executive Summary:



On January 8 th , 2018, City Council approved the Building Facade Improvement Program and Urban Design Guidelines for Main Streets Community Improvement Plan (CIP) (CR9/2018 PHED 533) adopted through By-law 26-2018.

On November 19, 2018, City Council approved the Ford City Community Improvement Area and Ford City Community Improvement Plan (CIP) (CR625/2018 PHED 603) adopted through by-laws 171-2018 and 172-2018. These By-laws came into effect in January of 2019. In addition, on November 19, 2018, City Council activated the following financial incentive programs from the Ford City CIP:

  1. Municipal Development Fees Grant Program

  2. New Residential Development Grant Program

  3. Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program

  4. Retail Investment Grant Program

  5. Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program