Other Community Improvement Activities and Actions

In addition to the financial incentive programs outlined in this CIP, the Planning Act also permits the municipality to undertake the following community improvement activities:

  1. Acquire, hold, clear, grade or otherwise prepare land for community improvement;

  2. Construct, repair, rehabilitate or improve buildings on land acquired or held by it in conformity with the community improvement plan; and,

  3. Sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any land and buildings acquired or held by it in conformity with the community improvement plan.

Property Acquisition

The City of Windsor may facilitate the assembly of land within the Community Improvement Project Area in conformity with the Community Improvement Plan. Additionally, the City of Windsor may acquire, hold, clear, grade or otherwise prepare the land for community improvement as defined by this CIP. The principal reason for acquisition is to improve and secure the economic well-being of the study area by asserting an elevated level of control over the acquisition and consolidation of sites suitable for facilitating new development or redevelopment, providing much needed amenities and services, or that further the objectives of this CIP. The City of Windsor may also choose to construct, repair, rehabilitate or improve buildings on land acquired or held by it to further the objectives of this CIP.

Property Disposition

The City of Windsor may dispose of municipally owned land or buildings within the Community Improvement Project Area in conformity with the Community Improvement Plan. Additionally, the City of Windsor may sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any land and buildings acquired or held by it provided the end use of the property and/or buildings remains in conformity with this CIP. The City of Windsor may choose to dispose of municipally owned property or buildings at less than market value in order to facilitate the development, redevelopment or adaptive reuse of the property and/or buildings. Municipally owned property that is disposed of for the purpose of meeting one or more of the objectives of this CIP, whether at market value or less, is subject to the following requirements:

  1. Unless the property is deemed to be a Special Project as defined by the City of Windsor’s “Disposal of Land” policy, all disposition of municipal land must be done in compliance with the “Disposal of Land” policy;

  2. City Council may deem any property located within the Community Improvement Project Area to be a “Special Project” as defined by the City of Windsor’s “Disposal of Land” policy for the purposes of Community Improvement provided that the proposed development, redevelopment or rehabilitation meets the definition of a catalyst project, as defined by this CIP;

  3. Properties that are deemed to be a “Special Project” can be disposed of using one or more of the following methods:

    • Direct offer of purchase and sale;
    • Request for Proposals;
    • Expression of Interests;
    • Land exchange(s); or
    • Any other method deemed to be appropriate by City Council.

  4. City Council will determine the percentage below market value, if any, that the City will sell the property for based on the benefit to the public generated by the project, as determined by City Council.

  5. The actual percentage below market value will be determined by City Council. The amount below market value plus all other incentives under this, or any other approved, CIP cannot exceed the total eligible costs.

  6. As required by the Planning Act the purchaser of City owned property will be required to enter into a written agreement with the City stating that they will keep and maintain the land, building and the use in conformity with the Community Improvement Plan. The agreement entered into above will be registered against the land to which it applies and the City will enforce the provisions of the agreement against any party to the agreement and, subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act, against any and all subsequent owners or tenants of the land.

  7. Projects are also required to be in compliance with the City’s other by-laws and policies, including zoning and building regulations.