payments pending final disposition of the appeal. If necessary, the grant will be adjusted and paid once a decision regarding the appeal is rendered.

This program does not exempt property owners from an increase in municipal taxes due to a general tax rate increase or a change in assessment for any other reason after the eligible work has been completed.

Grant Payment

The applicant will be required to pay the full amount of property taxes owing for each year of the program’s applicability and will receive a Building/Property Improvement Grant for the amount of the municipal tax increment after the final tax bills for each year have been collected, provided all other eligibility criteria and conditions continue to be met. Grants will not be applied as tax credits against property tax accounts. If the tax bill is not paid in full, the City may cancel all future grants and collect past grants made as part of this program.

In case of an assessment appeal, the City reserves the right to withhold any forthcoming Building/Property Improvement Grant payments pending final disposition of the appeal. If necessary, the grant will be adjusted and paid once a decision regarding the appeal is rendered.

This program does not exempt property owners from an increase in municipal taxes due to a general tax rate increase or a change in assessment for any other reason after the eligible work has been completed.

Grant Adjustments

Grant Agreement

As a condition of approval of an application for a Building/ Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant, the applicant must enter into an agreement with the City. The Agreement will be registered against the land to which it applies and will specify the terms, duration and default provisions of the grant.

Other Funding

Projects that are eligible for the Building/Property Improvement Grant Program are permitted to combine the incentives from any other City of Windsor approved Community Improvement Plan provided that the total of all property tax assistance, grants and loans provided by the City in relation to this, or any other CIP, cannot exceed the approved eligible costs for all approved incentive programs.