Item No. 10.1

Council Report: S 169/2020

Subject: 2020 Updates on the Implementation of the Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Study (Ward 4)


Date to Council: December 14, 2020
Author: Kristina Tang
Heritage Planner
519-255-6543 X 6179
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: December 1, 2020
Clerk’s File #: MT2020

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT the report of the Heritage Planner regarding 2020 Updates on the Implementation of the Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Study BE RECEIVED for information.

  2. THAT available funds in the Capital Project 7086006 (Heritage Planning) BE APPROVED for the funding of the Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Study.

Executive Summary: N/A


After review and deliberation on report SCM 205/2019 or S 102/2019 which was prepared in response to CQ 1-2019 concerning Benefits and Process to a Walkerville Heritage Conservation District (HCD), on the July 8, 2019 Council Meeting, Council made the following decision (CR 334/2019):

“That this Council Report responding to CQ 1-2019 on the benefits and process to designating Walkerville a Heritage Conservation District under the Ontario Heritage Act BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION ; and,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with the implementation of the Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Study; and,