That administration PROVIDE a fulsome report to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee outlining the process, timelines and next steps.”

Around the same time this Council decision was made, the Planning Department had already been directed to prioritize undertaking of the Walkerville Districting Plan to prepare capital projects in hopes of receiving Federal Grant supports. It should be noted that the Walkerville Districting Plan is not governed by the Planning Act nor Ontario Heritage Act, and is essentially a special City project focused on guiding of public investments in the Public Realm. The Project includes a Phase 1 Background Study, Phase 2 District Visioning, and Phase 3 Implementation Plan with conceptual plan recommendations of specific capital projects. There are significant overlaps in the Walkerville Districting Plan with components that are relevant for a Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Area Study including background research, stakeholder and community engagement, and visioning exercises. In order to avoid potentially confusing the general public between the two projects/processes especially given the close nomenclature, and to reduce doubling of overlapping components, it was determined to embark on the Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Study following completion of/near end of the Walkerville Districting Plan in 2020.

However, because of COVID, there were a number of inevitable challenges and delays to the Walkerville Districting Plan’s project timelines. At present, the completion date of the project is anticipated to be end of March 2021. Information from the Phase 1 Background Study and ongoing Phase 2 District Vision can and will be used to inform the Walkerville HCD Study.

In the meantime, Administration has prepared a draft Terms of Reference that would be further refined in scope for hiring of the heritage consultant services for the Walkerville HCD Study. Administration anticipates that the Walkerville HCD Study would commence subsequent to completion of the Walkerville Districting Plan and adoption by City Council. The high level timing is anticipated as follows:

Detailed project timing and work plan will be subject of a future report once a consultant has been retained and provides an approved work plan and project schedule for key project milestones and deliverables.


Much like the Walkerville Districting Plan, the Walkerville HCD Study is intended to identify what is unique in Walkerville and of its heritage resources. It is a chance to celebrate and analyse potential improvements and the desires/vision of the Walkerville