Site Plan Control

Currently the trigger for Site Plan Control is the minimum requirement to provide a minimum of five parking spaces for any Transport Terminal. It is preferable that any new, or an expansion to an existing, Transport Terminal be subject to Site Plan Control, regardless of the number of parking spaces being provided. This will ensure development is compatible with adjacent uses and that many mitigation measures are appropriately incorporated.

ACTION 8: That Site Plan Control By-law 1-2004 BE AMENDED to deem the construction or expansion of a Transport Terminal and/or Transport Storage Area as a development subject to site plan control.

Servicing Requirements

In response to client and staff feedback regarding the need for wider access areas to allow to properly enter from, and exit to, streets, the widths of driveways/access areas was increased has part of a Housekeeping Amendment to the Parking Space and Parking Area provisions in B/L 8600 in 2012. The minimum and maximum width of a one-way lane in a MD1 or MD2 zone shall be 3.50 m and 6.50 m, respectively. No concerns about the access area have been raised to-date.

The Office of the City Engineer and Transportation Planning follow the Transport Association of Canada (TAC) Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (often called the ‘TAC Manual’ or ‘TAC Guidelines’) in the design of roads, including the location of driveways and access ways.

Stormwater is a matter that dealt with during Planning Act matters such as a rezoning or site plan control and involves review and comment by City Engineer and the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

NO CHANGE: The current servicing requirements and roadway design framework is appropriate.

Inspection Costs

The Building Division confirms that a Transport Terminal without any buildings or structures requires a Building Permit and that several fees are payable. Table 4.X lists possible fees. Inspections are a requirement of the permit and the cost to provide them is covered by the various fees in Table 4.X.

Table 4.1 - Potential Building Division Fees (2020 Fee Schedule)
Service Fee Flat Fee of $40.00
Zoning Certificate Fee Flat Fee of $200.00 for this type of development
Lot Grading Fee Flat Fee of $450.00
Storm Drainage Not Connected to aBuilding Fee $3.30 per lineal foot
Sanitary Sewer Fee (if applicable) $3.30 per lineal foot
Water Service Fee (if applicable) $3.30 per lineal foot
Indemnity Deposit (refundable) $50 per meter of frontage
Park Levy Fee Based on value of land

Fees are reviewed annually, and any revisions are presented as part of the municipal budget process.

NO CHANGE: The current fee regime is appropriate.