The length of a tractor/cab varies from 6 m to 7.6 m, depending on the size of the cab and options such as a sleeper cab. In Ontario, the maximum length of a tractor-trailer combination is 23 m. Double-trailer combinations may be longer; however, they are subject to special requirements. The average width is 2.6 m. With 0.6 m on both sides, any space would need to be a minimum of 3.8 m wide. Given that the dimensions of Transport Trucks and Transport Trailers vary and given that different vehicles or combinations have different operational requirements in terms of access, separation, etc., it is difficult to mandate a minimum parking space dimension for a Transport Truck or a Transport Trailer. The dimensions of those spaces are best left to the operator.

The inconsistencies in loading space dimensions between B/L 8600 and B/L 85-18 should be revised so that one standard applies throughout the municipality. B/L 8600 applies to most of Windsor. Those parcels in B/L 85-18 subject to a rezoning are usually deleted from B/L 85-18 and added to B/L 8600. Further review of the loading space dimensions is required to ensure consistent application of common standards across the Zoning By-laws and municipality and ease the transition to a single comprehensive zoning by-law.

ACTION 6: That the City Planner REVIEW best practices for the dimensions of a loading space and AMEND B/L 8600 and B/L 85-18 to use a single standard dimension for a loading space.

Minimum Lot Width and Area

Currently there are no minimum lot width or minimum lot area provisions for a Transport Terminal.

Typical trailer lengths vary from 14.65 m (48 feet) to 16.2 (53 feet), with 16.2 m being the most common length. The length of a tractor/cab varies from 6 m to 7.6 m, depending on the size of the cab and options such as a sleeper cab. In Ontario, the maximum length of a tractor-trailer combination is 23m (75.5 feet). Truck manufacturer, International Trucks, notes that on average, a tractor-trailer is 21.9m (72 ft) long. Double-trailer combinations may be longer; however, they are subject to special requirements. As previously stated, your typical space should be a minimum 3.8 m (12.5 ft) wide.

A full turnaround for a tractor-trailer requires an aisle width of 30 m. However, the parking aisle is typically utilized to manoeuvre the trailer into a storage space, not for a full turnaround, requiring less than 30 m to manoeuvre. Utilizing the measure distance tool in Google Maps on various transport terminal locations, parking aisles for transports vary from 18 m to 30 m, with 25 m being typical.

Based on a minimum side yard width of 0.9 m on both sides (1.8 m total), a 21.9 m long tractor-trailer, and a 25 m manoeuvring aisle, the minimum lot width for a single row of tractor-trailers parked perpendicular (which includes both the trailer and the tractor) is 48.7 m, rounded to 49.0 m. If the tractor or truck is excluded, the minimum lot width is 43 m - this would represent an absolute minimum. More than one row of parking or a berm would require a wider lot.

Lot depths vary, but a 75 m deep lot with 6 m front yard setback and a 0.9 m rear yard setback would leave just over 68 m in depth to be used as a Transport Storage Area. At a typical width of 3.8 m per Transport Truck, there would be space for 17 transports and trailers. A lot having a width of 49 m and a depth of 75 m has an area of 3,653 m 2 . For a lot with a width of 43 m and a depth of 75 m, the lot area is 3,225 m 2 . Mandating a minimum lot width and a minimum lot area will ensure adequate area for a landscaped open space yard and for the storage, parking, and manoeuvring of trucks and trailers.

ACTION 7: That B/L 8600 and B/L 85-18 BE AMENDED by adding a minimum lot width of 43.0 m and a minimum lot area shall be 3,200.0 m 2 for a Transport Terminal.