APPENDIX E – City of Windsor Official Plan Excerpts

  • h) the development is designed to foster distinctive and attractive area identity;
  • i) the public rights-of-way are designed to foster distinctive and attractive area identity and to provide for vehicle use, regular public transportation service as well as pedestrian and cycling travel; and
  • j) integration of the development with the surrounding uses to contribute to the unique character of the area.
SITE PLAN CONTROL Council will require all development within areas designated Mixed Use to be subject to site plan control.
REDUCED PARKING REQUIREMENT Council may establish off street parking standards to reflect public transportation supportive designs or shared parking arrangements in Mixed Use developments.
7.2.2 General Policies
ALTERNATIVEDEVLEOPMENTPATTERNS Council shall promote development patterns that support an increase in walking, cycling and public transportation in accordance with the Land Use and Urban Design chapters of this Plan.
LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION Council shall recognize the link between land use and transportation systems by:
  1. Focusing office development and high-density employment and high density residential in areas which have access to transit and pedestrian amenities;
  2. Encouraging commercial and employment uses within 400 metres to 800 metres of residential areas to promote the use of active transportation and to promote transit service.
TRANSITSUPPORTIVEDEVELOPMENT Council shall support transit by planning for compact mixed-use, higher density residential, commercial and employment development within concentrated nodes and corridors that are adjacent to higher order transit corridors.
MINIMIZINGVEHICLE TRIPSAND TRAVELDISTANCES Council shall implement land use patterns that promote sustainable travel by locating land uses within reasonable walking or cycling distance by:
  1. Encouraging development that include an appropriate mix of residential, commercial and employment lands within reasonable walking distance of each other;
  2. Planning higher density developments in areas along major transportation corridors and nodes;
  3. Integrating land use and transportation planning decisions by ensuring each fit the context of each other’s specific needs.
7.2.8 Rail Transportation Policies
CONSULT RAILWAYS All proponents of development within 500 metres of a railway right-of-way are encouraged to consult with the appropriate