Stakeholders of the project will include all property owners within the Study Area boundaries, and not limited to local groups/organization such as the Walkerville BIA, Walkerville Resident Association, etc. Additionally, the consultants will be expected to communicate/meet with interested groups/agencies/stakeholders to address specific issues or concerns.
Presentation of recommendations will be required at the completion of the Study, at the Development and Heritage Standing Committee and City Council Meetings, for a decision to be made on the next steps.
Recommend if designation of a HCD Study Area Bylaw is needed and appropriate timing for it, and details of such a bylaw for the purpose of prohibiting/setting limitations with respect to the alteration, erection, demolition or removal of buildings or structures in the Study area.
Based on evaluation from findings, provide recommendation on the potential outcomes :
Refined boundary from Study Area recommended for HCD designation under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act
Recommendations for individual heritage designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
Recommendations for properties/heritage resources to be added on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register per Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act
Recommendation for alternative tools for conserving cultural heritage within the study area, such as other types of area-specific policy, regulations or guidelines
Status quo
If HCD is recommended, integrate research findings (considering factors such as historical evolution, visual perceptions, physical situations, and legal or planning factors for boundary considerations) and the community consultation process to rationalize a recommended HCD area boundary or define areas/sub-areas for alternative area-specific policies. Provide visual and written description of the boundary.
If HCD is recommended, consider and make recommendations as to the objectives of the designation and content of the HCD Plan , including:
Draft statement of cultural heritage value or interest of area
Evaluate and describe heritage attributes of the Study area, including components such as historical association, architecture, vernacular design, integrity, architectural details, landmark, landscapes and public open space, land-use, circulation network and pattern, boundary and other linear features, vegetation patterns, historic views, etc.
Recommendations as to any changes that will be required to the municipality’s official plan and to any municipal by -laws, including any zoning by-laws . Also consider complementary planning policies or initiatives that would support the recommended option. Evaluate implications of these