landscape/tree features), architecture, integrity/condition, and historical/associative/contextual information, historical and current image of the property, and any other information.


Consultation, stakeholder and public engagement is crucial to the success and effectiveness of the HCD Study. It is expected that there would be a high level of collaboration and involvement from stakeholders and the public. The goal is to partner with the community in the Study. The consultant should consider creative/innovative means for engaging the public and stakeholders, especially given current COVID situations. Communications staff from the City will be involved. In coordination with City of Windsor staff, the consultant is to design a program that meets the following objectives:

The specific approach and methods to achieve the above objectives are to be outlined by the consultant. The consultant must also provide options in the context of COVID circumstances.

The consultants will report to the Project Working group and communicate/meet regularly with the City’s Heritage Planner and the working group, to report on project updates, and inform on project status at least on a bi-weekly basis.