C.4 Built Form

The built form along both corridors vary. The following are the common forms found along University Avenue West:

The University area consists of typical institutional buildings setback from the road with landscaping.

The built form from California Avenue to Campbell Avenue is varied. However, the dominate style is multi family residential built in the late 1960s. They are typically three to seven storeys in height and set back from all property lines. Many of the buildings do not front onto University Avenue West, and instead front onto local residential streets.

Within the same block there may be low rise multi unit or even single detached dwellings that front onto University Avenue West.

At Rankin Avenue and University Avenue West, two mixed use buildings create a neighbourhood node of unique characteristics, as shown to the left. The two storey buildings are made up of ground floor commercial and upper storey residential. The buildings are built to the lot line and the ground floor commercial is a traditional store front with large amounts of glazing.

After Josephine Avenue, the commercial buildings built to the lot line created a more contained feeling on the street. The commercial buildings are generally one storey. Some low density residential still exists along the corridor. Some sections also create a continuous street wall where buildings are built close to one another.

The following are the common forms found along Wyandotte Street West:

The same institutional uses associated with the University of Windsor are present along Wyandotte Street West from Huron Church to California Avenue. After California Avenue, Wyandotte Street turns into a traditional commercial mainstreet with a continuous street wall, with one to two storeys buildings built to the lot line. After McEwan Avenue, the built form is not consistent, made up of single family dwellings and commercial built forms that contain parking lots and drive-through restaurants.