
Application Information:

Location: 3129 Lauzon Road                                         Ward: 7

Planning District: 10 – Forest Glade                               ZDM: 15

Owner: 2516053 Ontario Inc. (Chris Thompson).

Agent: Dillon Consulting Limiting (Melanie Muir) 

Location Map 2026/20 [ZNGI6173]

Proposal: Proposed Use:

The applicant proposes to construct a Multiple Dwelling Structure Development. (See Preliminary Concept Plan). The applicant plans to develop four (4) 3-storey condominiums with a total of 96 units. The proposed building footprints have been setback 6.1m from the front of the property as required by the regulations of Residential District 2.5 (RD2.5). The applicant indicates that 15m buffer from the Little River to the west of the property has been incorporated into the site design in order to protect the integrity of the Little River as well as provide adequate flood proofing for the proposed buildings. 

Currently the property is vacant. The site will be subject to Site Plan Control.