The proximity of sensitive land uses is a concern. The potential conflict between the Transport Terminal use and the sensitive land uses is an issue that the Transport Terminal Study will examine. Staff report C 102/19 that recommended implementation of the Interim Control By-law stated that:

“The main purposes of doing the study is to ensure that Transport Terminal is appropriately permitted or prohibited, that the provisions for a Transport Terminal are consistent with the policy direction of the Official Plan, and that a Transport Terminal is not detrimental to surrounding existing and potential land uses.”

Additional mitigation measures may be required to allow a Transport Terminal development on the lot. This is an issue that the study will examine.

The sensitive land uses are designated and zoned for industrial uses. The parcel is of large size and regular shape and should be able to accommodate appropriate buffers as proposed in the Study. However, the proposed requirements in the Study have yet to be considered and approved by City Council.

The applicant has submitted a conceptual site plan (see Appendix D). The plan shows a 4-metre wide landscaped area along the west lot line, which is less then what is proposed by the Study. However, there is sufficient land to provide an 11.3 m setback with a berm along the west lot line.

There is a likelihood that additional mitigation measures will be necessary in order to permit a Transport Terminal.

Risk Analysis:


Climate Change Risks Climate Change Mitigation: N/A

Financial Matters: N/A


Jason Campigotto, Site Plan Approval Officer

Wira Vendrasco, Deputy City Solicitor

Rob Vani, Manager of Inspections (BBO) / Deputy Chief Building Official