excavation and shoring details be provided for its review prior to issuance of any building permit. The proponent has consulted with the DRTP outside of the City’s notification process, which satisfies the requirement set out in Official Plan policy

Comments received from the Heritage Planner and Urban Design staff indicate the property is a strong candidate for heritage designation due to its association with the former SW&A Street Railway operation and remaining buildings. The comments raise concerns about the current condition of the barrel roof building to the rear of 1220 University Avenue West (i.e. existing building on the west site of the site) and the importance of stabilizing the structure to ensure it can be reused as part of the redevelopment proposal. The comments emphasize the importance of completing a stabilization plan and related work. The comments also note that the exterior design of the proposed residential building should also be compatible with the defining exterior features and elements of the existing buildings identified in the Heritage Impact Assessment.

Planning staff intend to recommend that Council designation the property under Section 4 of the Ontario Heritage Ac t. The recommendation to designate the property is intended to be a celebration of its significance and not a barrier to redevelopment. Accordingly the recommendation would not be brought forward until the Heritage Impact Assessment is received, conservation strategies are identified, and design work is complete.

A ‘Virtual Public Information Centre’ was organized by Agent (i.e. Dillon Consulting). A description of the proposed development, plans, and site drawings were sent to property owners and tenants within 120 metres of the site. The notice directed interested neighbours to contact Dillon’s office with any questions about the proposal.

Required notice of the statutory public meeting was advertised in the Windsor Star, on July 17, 2020. A courtesy notice was mailed to property owners and tenants within 120 metres of the subject property. A revised notice of the rescheduled statutory public meeting was published again on October 23, 2020 and courtesy notice was mailed to property owners and tenants with 120 metres of the site.

Specific design issues or requirements from municipal departments or external agencies will be considered as part of the Site Plan Control process.


Section 3(5) of the Planning Act requires that a decision of Council in respect of the exercise of any authority t hat affects a planning matter, ‘shall be consistent with’ the Provincial Policy Statement. Section 24(1) of the Planning Act requires zoning by-laws passed by Council to conform with the Official Plan.