Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, November 16, 2020

Plan Control to ensure that the proposed alteration is not irreversible to the commercial storefront facing University Avenue West.

V. THAT the lands affected BE SUBJECT to an H symbol and that it only be removed when the following conditions have been satisfied:

  1. The owner submits an application to remove the H holding symbol;

  2. (a) Encroachment Agreement

    The owner submits an application for and execute an agreement with the Corporation for the proposed encroachments into the right-of-way (i.e. private drain connection) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

    (b) Existing Sewers and Connections

    The owner further agrees, at its entire expense and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer:

    1. To undertake a video inspection of the mainline sewers that will be used by the subject property and all connections to the mainline sewers that service the subject property.

    2. Any redundant connections will be abandoned according to the City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P.1.3.3.

    3. Any new connections to combined sewers will follow City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P.1.1.1.


Member Moore voting nay.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Rondot

Decision Number: DHSC 213

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to report back to a future meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee to quantify and qualify the impacts that commercial storefront conversions have on our main streets; and,

THAT Administration DEVELOP a policy to guide council in helping them decide where such residential conversions are appropriate; and further,

THAT Administration REVIEW and COMMENT on the impact of the Landlord Tenant Act and how a transition would happen, what is allowable and what is not; and;

THAT the administrative report also INCLUDE whether or not Council can impose timelines, can gain more control over the process and can force the owner to convert the property back to commercial when appropriate.


Report Number: S 153/2020

Clerk’s File: ZO/13917 & ZB/13916