Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, November 16, 2020

7.5. Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 1090 North Talbot Rd and 0 Pioneer, N/E CNR of North Talbot Rd & Sixth Concession Rd and N/W CNR of Pioneer Ave. & North Talbot Rd;  pplicant: Tosin Bello; File No. Z-011/20,ZNG/6074; Ward 1

Moved by: Member Gyemi

Seconded by: Councillor Gill

  1. THAT the parcel described as Pt Lot 12, Concession 5 and designated as Part 7, 12R-23594 and Block 197, 12M-355, located on the northeast corner of Sixth Concession Road and North Talbot Road, BE EXEMPT from the provisions of Interim Control By-law 103/2020 and that further, Interim Control By-law 103/2020 BE AMENDED by adding to Section 5 the following paragraph:

    • Northeast Corner of Sixth Concession and North Talbot

      Part 7, 12R-23594 and Block 197, 12M-355; Roll No. 070-140-03608;

  2. THAT the applicant’s request to amend Zoning By -law 8600 by changing the zoning of the lands located on the northwest corner of Pioneer Avenue and North Talbot Road, described as Pt Lot 12, Concession 5 and designated as Parts 1&2, 12R-23594, from Residential District 1.1 (RD1.1) to Commercial District 1.12 (CD1.12) BE DENIED for the reasons noted in this report;

  3. THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED for the lands located on the northeast corner of Sixth Concession Road and North Talbot Road, described as Pt Lot 12, Concession 5 and designated as Part 7, 12R-23594 and Block 197, 12M-355, by adding the following site-specific zoning provisions to permit a multi-unit residential use with an increase in maximum building height on the subject lands:

    “399. Northeast Corner of Sixth Concession and North Talbot

For the lands comprising Pt Lot 12, Concession 5 and designated as Part 7, 12R-

23594 and Block 197, 12M-355, the following shall be permitted

1) Dwelling Units in a Combined Use Building with any one or more of the uses permitted in section 14.12.1 of By-law 8600 ; provided that

  1. all dwelling units, not including entrances thereto, shall be located above the non-residential uses;

  2. the provisions in section 14.12.1 shall apply, exclusive of maximum building height, and

  3. a maximum building height of 3-storeys shall apply;

2) A stand-alone multiple dwelling, subject to the provisions under section 12.1.5 of By-law 8600 and the following provisions: