3.4.8 Economic Prosperity

The proposed redevelopment promotes opportunities for economic development and investment within the City of Windsor (PPS, 1.7.1 (a)). It also optimizes the use of vacant lands, infrastructure, and public service facilities available within the subject site; and enhances the vitality of the neighborhood (PPS 1.7.1 (b) (c)). The subject site is strategically located within an existing built-up area of the City where roads, community facilities, schools, and public transit are accessible.

The proposed redevelopment is a Brownfield Redevelopment, and improving the underutilization of the subject site will increase its property value as well as the property values in the surrounding area.

The proposed development will promote economic activity in and around the downtown core. As the site currently sits vacant, t he influx of residents to the area will improve the v ibrancy of the neighborhood. The proposed development will help serve the day-to-day needs of residents of the proposed multiple dwelling building as well as the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods (OP,

3.4.9 Energy Conservation, Air Quality and Climate Change

The proposed development promotes compact form, increased density, and enables the use of active transportation, and public transportation for residents. Increased active and public transportation will help limit vehicle trips for residents (PPS, 1.8.1 (a) (b); OP

The subject sites proximity to the University of Windsor Main Campus & Downtown Campus, as well as the St. Clair College Downtown Campus, will also help limit the number of vehicle trips for student residents.