There is an existing s idewalk along both the north and south sides of University Avenue which will connect to the subject site and provide pedestrian access to the surrounding area. The sidewalk is barrier free and maintained to provide accessible travel for all residents and pedestrians and will encourage people to walk to school or work, for travel, exercise, recreation, and social interaction . Sustainable site design and pedestrian network policies have also been considered in the proposal.

Further details regarding the traffic an d parking concerns can be found in the Traffic Impact Study and Parking Memo , prepared by Dillon and provided under separate cover.

3.4.6 Urban Design

The proposed infill development is compatible with the surrounding land uses in the surrounding area and will help improve the character of the surrounding area. The proposed sidewalk network will provide connections to public transportation services (OP

The commercial buildings will front University Avenue, and the proposed 5 storey residential bui lding will be sited directly behind 1220 University Avenue West. T he mass, scale, orientation, form and siting of the proposed development achieves compact form (OP, b)) and provides a development patern that supports a range of uses and profiles (OP,

The existing buildings have been listed on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register and are not to be demolished (OP, (g)) . The proposed development intends to maintain the integrity of the existing built heritage on the subject site.

The parking spaces intended to serve the proposed development will be primarily located along the western and eastern property limits, away from the street frontage, , with only 15 spaces being provided for along University Avenue West frontage (OP, These spaces are existing, and are intended to serve the existing building at 1100 University Avenue West . The applicant is also requesting relief from provision 15.2.5 (.15) of the City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600 to permit a multiple dwelling with main floor residential units instead of the required main floor commercial use. This request remains consistent with the Official Plan and Zoning By -law as there are two proposed commercial uses on the subject site in addition to the residential build ing, which satisfies the required mix of uses on the property.

A Heritage Impact Assessment will be undertaken for the existing commercial buildings and will be submited upon completion as part of the Site Plan Control application . These aspects of the development will also be addressed more thoroughly during the Site Plan Approval stage of the development (OP,

3.4.7 Site Plan Control

The OP designates the whole of the municipality as a Site Plan Control Area (OP, 11.7.1). The proposed development is subject to site plan control and will be further reviewed upon approval of the Zoning By-law Amendment.