1. the alteration of property situated in the heritage conservation study area; and

  2. the erection, demolition or removal of buildings or structures, or classes of buildings or structures, in the heritage conservation study area. 2005, c. 6. s. 29.

Notice of by-law

(3) If the council of a municipality passes a by-law under subsection (1), the council shall, within 30 days after the by-law is passed, cause notice of the by-law,

  1. to be served on each owner of property located in the heritage conservation study area and on the Trust; and

  2. to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. 2005, c. 6. s. 29.

Appeal to Tribunal

(4) Any person who objects to a by-law passed under subsection (1) may appeal to the Tribunal by giving the clerk of the municipality, within 30 days after the date of publication under clause (3) (b), a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection, accompanied by the fee charged under the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act, 2017 . 2017, c. 23, Sched. 5, s. 65.


(5) Subsections 41 (6) to (9) apply with necessary modifications to an appeal under subsection (4). 2005, c. 6. s. 29; 2006, c. 11, Sched. B, s. 11 (4).


(6) Where the designation of a study area in a municipality ceases to be in effect, the council of the municipality shall not, during the following three years, pass a by-law designating another study area that includes an area that was part of the previously designated study area. 2005, c. 6. s. 29.

Heritage conservation district plans

41.1 (1) A by-law under section 41 designating one or more heritage conservation districts in a municipality shall adopt a heritage conservation district plan for each district that is designated in the by-law. 2005, c. 6, s. 31.

Same, where district already designated

(2) If, on or before the day the Ontario Heritage Amendment Act, 2005 received Royal Assent, the council of a municipality had passed a by-law designating one or more