Appendix B- Extracts from the Ontario Heritage Act and City of Windsor Official Plan

Ontario Heritage Act


Area study

40 (1) The council of a municipality may undertake a study of any area of the municipality for the purpose of designating one or more heritage conservation districts. 2005, c. 6. s. 29.

Scope of study

(2) A study under subsection (1) shall,

  1. examine the character and appearance of the area that is the subject of the study, including buildings, structures and other property features of the area, to determine if the area should be preserved as a heritage conservation district;

  2. examine and make recommendations as to the geographic boundaries of the area to be designated;

  3. consider and make recommendations as to the objectives of the designation and the content of the heritage conservation district plan required under section 41.1;

  4. make recommendations as to any changes that will be required to the municipa lity’s official plan and to any municipal by -laws, including any zoning by- laws. 2005, c. 6. s. 29.


(3) If the council of a municipality has established a municipal heritage committee under section 28, the council shall consult with the committee with respect to the study. 2005, c. 6. s. 29.

Section Amendments with date in force (d/m/y)

Designation of study area

40.1 (1) If the council of a municipality undertakes a study under section 40, the council may by by-law designate the area specified in the by-law as a heritage conservation study area for a period of up to one year. 2005, c. 6. s. 29.


(2) A by-law made under subsection (1) may prohibit or set limitations with respect to,