Overhead Utilities: Due to Ontario Building Code requirements, overhead utilities along University Avenue present challenges to the location of new buildings along University Avenue. Buildings are required to be set back from the overhead powerlines and thus resulting in a building setback not in keeping with a mainstreet character. This will need to be explored with ENWIN to determine if relocating these utilities underground is viable or alternative design guidelines to address the required setbacks should be prepared

RECOMMENDATION: Explore relocating overhead utilities to underground with ENWIN or develop design guidelines to address the required setbacks along University Avenue West. 

Active Transportation

The Active Transportation Master Plan identifies both streets as part of the All Ages and Abilities (AAA) network. The Active Transportation Master Plan identifies the purpose of an AAA network to “provide an interconnected system of bicycle facilities that are comfortable and attractive for all users. The network should be designed to be suitable for persons aged 8 to 80 years old and be comfortable for most people cycling, regardless of their cycling ability. Developing an AAA bicycle network was identified by Windsor residents and stakeholders during the Active Transportation Master Plan engagement process as one of the most important ways to encourage more cycling trips. The AAA bicycle network will include three types of bicycle facilities that are most effective at increasing ridership: protected bicycle lanes, multiuse pathways, and local street bikeways".

The Active Transportation Plan goes on to describe the University neighbourhood and Downtown as very high potential areas to increase the number of walking and cycling trips.

“An analysis was conducted to identify areas of Windsor where there are the greatest opportunity to increase the number of walking and cycling trips. Identifying the neighbourhoods with the highest potential was based on several factors including road network connectivity, road network density, land use mix, population and employment density, topography, and permeability. The analysis found that the neighbourhoods with the highest potential are Downtown, Walkerville, Ford City, Pillette, South Central and University (Figure 2). It is also important to note that these neighbourhoods have several destinations that were identified by survey respondents.”