Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:

This amendment will facilitate an infill development, which helps mitigate climate change impacts. The proposed development will promote active transportation through the use of existing and new sidewalks in the area, thereby, reducing carbon footprint.

Climate Change Adaptation:

As noted already in this report under policy 1.1.1(i) of the PPS, tree planting and lot-grading requirements will be fulfilled through the building permit process.

Financial Matters:

The City has released its interest in the subject GD1.1 lands and the City received payment for the subject lands. No further financial matter is applicable to the subject lands.



Attached as Appendix D, to this report, are comments from the municipal departments, utility companies and other external agencies. There are no objections to the proposed amendment.

Enbridge Gas has active infrastructure in the proposed area and requires a minimum separation of 0.3m from all of their plants. Ensure that this minimum separation requirement is maintained, and that the contractor obtains locates prior to performing any work.

ENWIN Utilities has the following hydro distribution near the property:

  1. Underground primary (16kV) distribution along the west property limit.

  2. A mini pad transformer located near the southwest property corner

  3. Underground secondary (120/240V) distribution at the southwest corner of the property

ERCA: “ The parcel falls within the regulated area of the Little River and Detroit River. The property owner will be required to obtain a Permit from the Essex Region Conservation Authority prior to any construction or site alteration or other activities affected by Section 28 of the Conservation Authority Act. ”

PARKS DEVELOPMENT: City released interest on the subject lands based on revised planning models and consolidation of parkland within the area and all payments have been received.


The City will advertise the official notice in the Windsor Star Newspaper as mandated by the Planning Act.

The City will mail courtesy notice to all properties within 120m (400 feet) of the subject parcel, prior to the Development, Heritage and Standing Committee (DHSC) meeting


This zoning by-law amendment will change the zoning of the lands at the southeast corner of Beverly Glen and Pearson, from GD1.1 to RD2.3 as recommended in this report. This amendment is consistent with the PPS 2020 and conforms with the Ci ty’s Official Plan.

Staff recommends approval of the amendment.