Chamber of Commerce

Mayor Drew Dilkens                                                                  December 16, 2020
City of Windsor
350 City Hall Square W.
P.O. Box 1607
Windsor, ON N9A 6S1 

Dear Mayor Dilkens;

On November 25, 2020, the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce released a call for additional rent relief support for the border communities that have been hit hard by the border closure.

As you know, businesses in the border region rely significantly on cross-border trade, movement of people, and related business opportunities. For SMEs based in the Windsor-Essex region, approximately 25% of revenue is generated through American visitors/tourists. Typically, SMEs operate with a very small profit margin. Losing 25% of business revenue is not sustainable in most cases, and this is true for SMEs in border communities. Due to the 8-month long border closure, several SMEs have suffered significant business reductions and losses. 

‘The Windsor-Essex Chamber has contacted other border-city Chambers of Commerce, as well as area municipal representatives for collaboration and backing on this initiative. To date, the response has been positive and continues to spread across the Province and Country.

We are urging the federal government to allow Canadian businesses within a 100 km radius from a border crossing to claim the additional 25% rent subsidy previously offered to businesses that have been hardest hit by the pandemic. This will go a long way in supporting many of these SMEs that are on the brink of closing.

‘The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce is asking for the support of the City of Windsor on this initiative. We are grateful for your partnership on various other business- focused projects and look forward to your continued collaboration regarding this additional support to Windsor’s business community.


Rakesh Naidu
President & CEO
Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce