iv. a member of the household has been convicted of an offence under section 55 of the Act or a crime under the Criminal Code (Canada) in relation to the receipt of rent-geared-to—income assistance within the two year period immediately preceding the date of the application for subsidized housing, but, the service manager determines that the convicted member is an abused member of a special priority household who was forced by the abusing individual to make the misrepresentation that formed the basis of the conviction.

6. RGI Eligibility Requirement

Occupancy standards

0. Reg. 367/11, s. 42

LR Section 9

The occupancy standards in the Windsor/Essex local rules are referred to as the Windsor/ Essex occupancy standards or the service manager's occupancy standards.

  1. Largest unit

    The largest unit a household is eligible for is a unit that has,

    1. one bedroom for any two members of the household who are spouses of each other;

    2. one bedroom for each additional member of the household.

  2. Smallest unit

    The smallest unit a household is eligible for is a unit that has,

    1. one bedroom for every two members of the household; and

    2. an additional bedroom if there is an odd number of members in the household.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, a bachelor unit is an eligible unit if the household consists of one individual or two individuals who are spouses of each other.

  3. Additional Bedroom

    Eligibility for an additional bedroom is not automatically assigned and must meet the criteria set out below. The household must make a request for an additional bedroom and provide verification to support the request.

    Eligibility for an additional bedroom may be approved if any one of the foiiowing criteria applies:

    1. one of the spouses requires a separate bedroom because of a verified medical condition or; disability or

    2. The room is required to store equipment required by a member of the household because of verified disability or medical condition or;