26. (1) A household is ineligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance if a member of the household owes, with respect to a previous tenancy in any housing project under any transferred housing program,

  1. arrears of rent;
  2. an amount required by a service manager under section 56 of the Act or section 86 of the former Act; or
  3. an amount for damage caused by a current member of the household.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to arrears or an amount owed by a member of the household if,

  1. the service manager is satisfied that there are extenuating circumstances; or
  2. a member of the household has entered into an agreement or made reasonable efforts to enter into an agreement, with the person to whom the arrears or amount is owed for the payment of the arrears or amount and the service manager Is satisfied that the member is making or intends to make all reasonable efforts to repay the arrears or amount.

(3) The arrears or amount owed by a member of the household is deemed, for the purposes of clause (2) (b), to be one-half of the actual arrears or amount owed If,

  1. a request has been made for the household to be included in the special priority household category and the request would be or has been granted; and
  2. the arrears or amount is owed with respect to a unit of which the member and the abusing individual were joint tenants.

5. RGI Eligibility Requirement
Previous RGI Criminal Conviction
O. Reg. 367/11, 3360)
LR Section 5

1. A household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance if, among other criteria,

  1. within the two year period immediately preceding the date of the application for subsidized housing, no member of the household has been convicted, of an offense under section 55 of the Housing Services Act or a crime under the Criminal Code (Canada) in relation to the receipt of rent-geared-to-income assistance, and if an individual who was, but is no longer a member of the household has been convicted of such an offense or crime, the service manager determines that,

    1. no member of the household knew that the individual who was convicted of the offense or crime was committing it, or
    2. a member of the household knew that the Individual who was convicted of the offense or crime was committing it, but the member was not reasonably able to prevent the individual from committing it, or
    3.  a member of the household has been convicted of an offense under section 55 of the Act or a crime under the Criminal Code (Canada) in relation to the receipt of rent-geared-to-Income assistance, but the household has previously been determined to be ineligible for rent-geared-to-Income assistance because of that conviction; or