What is adjusted family net income?

Adjusted family net income for the month is the total of the net income of each member of the household exctuding those in full-time attendance at a recognized educational institution divided by 12.

Typically, the net income amount of a household member will be reflected on line 236 of the member’s notice of assessment less any Registered Disability Savings Plan income and plus any Registered Disability Savings Plan amounts repaid‘

When do the changes take effect?

The new simplified regulation will be in-force on July 1, 2020. However, Service Managers may choose an implementation date of either July 1, 2020 or July 1, 2021, at their discretion.

If a Service Manager opts for implementation on July 1, 2020, they must conduct all rent calculations in their local service area using the new regulations as of their selected implementation date.

Service Managers that opt for implementation on July 1, 2021 must continue to determine RGI assistance under the revoked Ontario Regulation 298/01 for the period between Juiy 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021, however, new minimum rent provisions would apply.

As of July 1, 2021, all Service Managers will be required to use the simplified regulations.

Whichever implementation date is chosen (July 1, 2020 or July 1, 2021), Service Managers would be required to recalculate rent for all existing tenants within 12 months of that date.

Further Information

The new Ontario Regulation 316/19 is available through the following hyperlink: https://www.ontario.oa/Iaws/requ|ation/r19316

The amended Ontario Regulation 367/11 is available through the following hyperlink: httpszl/wwwontario.ca/laws/requtation/m9317

Should you have any questions, please contact Ravi Bhusia, Manager, Program Development & Anaiysis Unit. Ravi Bhusia can be reached by telephone at (416) 585-6526, or by e-mail at ravi.bhusia@ontario.ca.