Appendix D

SH notification

social housing

sociai housing

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 367/11 under the Housing Services Act, 2011 related to tenant transfers between different housing providers in the same Service Manager service area.

September 23, 2019

Release: 19-09

The purpose of this notification is to provide an overview of amendments to Ontario Regulation 367/11 under the Housing Services Act, 201’5 related to tenant transfers between different housing providers in the same Service Manager service area.

Changes have been made En regulation regarding tenant transfers between different housing providers in the same Service Manager service area. The changes come into effect on January1, 2020, and include:

1. Paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 46(1) is revoked

Paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 46 provided that a household must be added to the Service Manager’s centralized waiting list if the household was occupying a rent—geared-to—income unit, was receiving rent-geared-to-income and had applied to be added to the list because they wanted to transfer to a unit operated by a different housing provider. The household’s application had to be made to the Service Manager and include the required information.

These paragraphs have been revoked and a household living in a rent-geared-to-income unit is no longer required to apply to be added to the centralized waiting list if the household wishes to transfer to a unit operated by a different housing provider in the same service area. Service Managers are not required to place these households on the centralized waiting list.

Service Managers may determine their own processes for managing these types of transfers.

2. Transfers between housing providers

Section 47 sets out rules that must be included in a Service Manager’s system for selecting households for a vacant unit.

The regulation is amended to include subsection 47(5.1) which states that a housing provider may, with the approval of the Service Manager, select a household for a vacant unit if the household is occupying a unit operated by a different housing provider in the same service area, is in receipt of rent-geared-to-income assistance and has requested a transfer to a unit