(ii) shall not require information as to whether the member making the request for the household to be included in the special priority household category or the abused/trafficked member has commenced legal proceedings against the abusing individual and shall not require information or documents relating to such proceedings. 0. Reg. 367/11, 5. 57.

Special priority household category — verifying there has been abuse

58. (2) A record that complies with the requirements of this section shall be conclusive proof that the requirement in clause 54 (1) (a), that member has been abused by an individual described In subsection 1(2), is satisfied and that requirement may not be verified by any other method.

(2.1) The record must include the following Information:

  1. The name of the abused member.
  2. A statement by the person preparing the record that he or she has reasonable grounds to believe that the member is being abused by an individual described in subsection 1(2).
  3. A description of the circumstances that Indicate that the member is being or has been abused.
  4. Information about the person who prepared the record, including his or her name, occupation and any professional designations.
  5. The date the record was prepared. (a) a member of the household will be at risk of being abused by the abusing Individual if any member of the household attempts to obtain the record in writing; (b) the person preparing the record will be at risk of being abused by the abusing individual if the person produces the record in writing, or (c) a written record should not be required because of extenuating circumstances.

(4) The record must be,

  1. prepared, in his or her professional capacity, by a person described in subsection (5); (a.1) prepared, in his or her professional capacity, by a person employed by an agency or organization that provides social support services in the community & must be signed by the person who prepared the record and by a person who has the authority to bind the agency or organization, or
  2. prepared by a person who is familiar with the abuse if the record is accompanied, if required by the service manager, by a declaration of the truth of the record administered by a commissioner for taking affidavits.

(5) The persons referred to in clause (4) (a) are the following:

  1. A doctor.
  2. A registered nurse or a registered practical nurse.
  3. A lawyer.
  4. A law enforcement officer.
  5. A minister of religion authorized under provincial law to perform marriages.
  6. A registered early childhood educator.
  7. A teacher.
  8. A guidance counselor.
  9. An individual in a managerial or administrative position with a housing provider.
  10. An Indigenous Elder, Indigenous Traditional Person or Indigenous Knowledge Keeper.
  11. A member of the College of Midwives of Ontario.
  12. An aboriginal person who provides traditional midwifery services.
  13. A registered social service worker.
  14. A psychotherapist, registered psychotherapist or registered mental health therapist.