1. living in an emergency shelter, or

  2. living in temporary housing and receiving treatment or counseling; or

  3. there are any other extenuating circumstances.

Special priority household category — a limit on reconsideration

55. (1) After a service manager determines that a household should be included in the special priority household category, the service manager shall not reconsider whether the household should be included in that category except as provided for under subsection (2).

(2) A service manager may determine that a household is no longer included in the special priority household category if,

  1. the member who made the request to be included in the special priority household category notifies the service manager (I) that he or she wants the abusing individual to be part of the member's household for the purposes of the member's application for rent-geared-to-income assistance, or
    • (ii) that the abusing individual is deceased; or
     b. the household accepts an offer of rent-geared-to-income assistance, whether or not that offer comes from a housing provider within the service area of the service manager. 

Special priority household category — request requirements

56. The following apply to a request to be included in the special priority household category:1.

  1. The request must be in writing.
  2. The request must be made by a member of the household who is 16 years old or older.
  3. If the request relates to the abuse, other than trafficking, of a member of the household, the request must include written consent from the abused member or a person authorized to consent on the abused member's behalf, consenting to the disclosure to the service manager of information and documents required by the service manager to verify the requirement under clause 54 (1) (a).
  4. If the request relates to the trafficking of a member of the household, the request must include written consent from the trafficked member or a person authorized to consent on the trafficked member's behalf, consenting to the disclosure to the service manager of information and documents required by the service manager to verify the requirement under subsection 54.1(1) and, if applicable, to verify the requirements under paragraph 1 of subsection 54.1(2). 

Special priority household category — restrictions on requiring information and documents

57. The following are restrictions on the information and documents that a service manager can require to determine whether a household should be included in the special priority household category:

  1. The service manager shall not require a person to provide information or documents if the service manager is satisfied that the person is unable to do so.
  2. The service manager, (I) shall not require a member of the household to provide Information or documents If the member believes that the member or any other member of the household will be at risk of being abused by the abusing/trafficking individual if the member attempts to obtain the information or documents.