Q&As for MMAH’s Municipal Services Offices and Service Managers on RESIDENTIAL RENT FREEZE FOR 2021

Above guideline rent increases allow landlords to invest in repairs and upgrades to their aging rental buildings and ensure that tenants can continue to have access to well-maintained rental housing.

Except in cases where approval has already been granted by the Landlord and Tenant Board, AGIs for extraordinary increases in municipal taxes and charges will not be granted in 2021, due to the rent freeze.

11.Will landlords still be able to apply for the Above Guideline increases (AGIs) to rent?

Yes, with some exceptions.

AGls approved by the Landlord and Tenant Board for eligible costs related to capital repairs/upgrades and security services before or during the rent freeze could be applied to rents in 2021.

This will ensure that the health and safety of tenants is not put at risk and landlords are not discouraged from making necessary capital repairs to their properties or operating security services.

AGIs related to extraordinary increases in municipal taxes and charges could not take effect during the freeze period unless they had already been approved by the Landlord and Tenant Board before the legislation passed.