Q&As for MMAH’s Municipal Services Offices and Service Managers on RESIDENTIAL RENT FREEZE FOR 2021

Community Housing Questions:

12.What households living in community housing would be subject to the rent freeze?

The rent freeze applies to households paying geared-to-income rent and Iow-end of market rent in community housing, as well as households living in affordable rental housing units created through various federally and/or provincially funded housing programs.

Non-profit housing co—operative members who pay market rates are exempt from the rent freeze.

13.Why are households receiving rent-geared-to-income (RGI) assistance included in the rent freeze?

The freeze on rent increases applies to households paying geared-to-income rent, as well as other tenants in community housing and units in care and retirement homes, in order to ensure that Ontario’s most vulnerable residents have the protections and stability they need during this time, including Iow~income Ontarians and seniors.

14.What does the rent freeze mean for households that receive RGI assistance? Could geared-to-income rent increase in 2021, following an increase in household income?

No, under Bill 204, the rent freeze (or "cap") means that geared~to-income rent would not increase in 2021 as household income increases. However, if these households experience a decrease in income, their rent may still decrease as required under provincial regulations.

MMAH intends to pursue amendments to the regulations under the Housing Services Act, 2011 (HSA) to provide one clear set of rules for RGI households for 2021 that would be structured in a manner consistent with the RTA rent freeze. Further details will be communicated to the sector pending approval of any regulatory amendments.

15.What does the rent freeze mean for RGl households who pay rent scales?

For RGI households who pay rent scales, rent would not increase in 2021 and would be capped at the rent scale amount payable as of December 31, 2020. As a result, households who earn additional income and would otherwise transition off rent scales and onto the RG! calculation would remain temporarily at the rent scale rate.