2. An overhoused notice shall be in writing and include the overhoused rules and process the household is required to follow to remain eligible for rent-geared-to- income assistance. 

3. A housing provider’s transfer policies shall:

  1. be documented in writing and clearly describe a housing provider’s procedures for internal transfers, and; policies and

  2. include, among other things, the policy, procedure and ranking criteria for overhoused households, and;

  3. contain a provision to inform an over housed household of the housing provider’s internal transfer policy, procedure, ranking criteria and provisions governing applications from over housed households for the internal transfer list and the over housed transfer list, and;

  4. be approved by the service manager with respect to the policy, procedure, ranking criteria and provisions governing applications from over housed households for the housing provider’s internal transfer fist and the over housed transfer list.

4. The ranking date of an over housed household that is eligible to be placed on the over housed transfer list or a housing provider's internal transfer list is the original date the household first made an application for rent-geared-to-income assistance.

5. If the housing provider determines that a household is an over housed household then, the housing provider:

  1. shall give the household an over housed notice within 30 calendar days from the date the housing provider made the determination and;

  2. provide a copy of the over housed notice to the Central Housing Registry -Windsor Essex County within 3 business days from the date of the over housed notice.

6. If the housing provider gives an overhoused notice to a household, the following apply:

If the housing provider does not have right-sized unit in its portfolio

  1. If none of the housing projects the housing provider operates in the service manager’s service area has a unit, occupied or not, that is of a size permissible under the service manager’s occupancy standards then:

    1. the household shall, within 30 calendar days from the date of the over housed notice,