Section 7

Absence Rule

  1. A household ceases to be eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance if all the members of the household are absent from the unit for which the household receives rent—geared—to—income assistance for more than 90 consecutive days. Households absent from the unit for which the household receives rent—geared—to—income assistance for more than 90 consecutive days to receive conventional or alternative medical treatments may remain eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance provided the housing provider receives adequate documentation to verify the medical reasons and treatment and approves the exemption.

  2. The housing provider may, on a case—by—case basis, determine that extenuating circumstances exist and may approve alternate maximum absence period from the unit with the prior written consent of the service manager.

Section 8

Overhoused Rule

1. In this section

  1. "Overhoused household” is a household in receipt of rent~geared~to income assistance and occupies a unit that is larger than the largest size permissible under the service manager’s occupancy standards.