Item No. 8.24

Committee Matters: SCM 375/2020

Subject: Update: Housing Services Act and 2021 Rent Increase Guideline Regulatory Amendments - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin
Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: CSPS 132

That the report of the Coordinator, Housing Administration and Policy dated November 13, 2020 entitled “Update: Housing Services Act and 2021 Rent Increase Guideline Regulatory Amendments – City Wide” BE RECEIVED ; and,

That a letter BE SENT to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing and The Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) outlining concerns with Bill 204 specifically relating to the Rent Geared to Income component.


Report Number: S 165/2020

Clerk’s File: GH/16905

Clerk’s Note: The recommendation of the Standing Committee and Administration are not the same.