Council Report: S 165/2020

Subject: Update: Housing Services Act and 2021 Rent Increase Guideline Regulatory Amendments - City Wide


Date to Council: 12/2/2020
Author: Jolayne Susko
Coordinator, Housing Administration & Policy 519-255-5200 x 6278
Housing and Children's Services
Report Date: 11/13/2020
Clerk’s File #: GH/16905

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT this report from the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services regarding the Housing Services Act, 2011 and 2021 Residential Rent Increase Guideline regulatory amendments BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION .

Executive Summary:



The Corporation of the City of Windsor is the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager for the delivery of social housing in Windsor and Essex County. As Service Manager, Housing Services allocates Federal and Provincial subsidies to all social and affordable housing providers in accordance with the Housing Services Act, 2011 and its regulations.

Ontario Regulation 316/19 Determination of Geared to Income Rent

In April 2019, the provincial government released Ontario’s Community Housing Renewal Strategy, which outlined the commitment to stabilize and grow the community housing sector. In September of 2019, the province filed a new regulation under the Housing Services Act, 2011 ( the “ HSA ” ) to improve waiting lists, create safer communities and simplify Rent Geared to Income ( “ RGI ” ) rules and calculations. On July 1, 2020, Ontario Regulation 316/19 DETERMINATION OF GEARED TO INCOME RENT UNDER SECTION 50 OF THE ACT came into effect and replaced Ontario Regulation 298/01 DETERMINATION OF GEARED-TO-INCOME RENT UNDER SECTION 50 OF THE ACT, which was revoked.