Risk Analysis:

Impacted Objective(s) Risk 
Mitigating Strategy / Status Responsibility
Noise will exceed 
generally acceptable nighttime levels
Consideration of community Low To minimize noise nuisance from construction activities to adjacent businesses and private properties, private construction firms working under contract for the City will be required to minimize the idling of construction vehicles, maintain equipment in good working order, and apply standard noise mitigation measures. If construction noise complaints arise during construction, they will be investigated by City staff in an attempt to mitigate the concerns and reach a resolve to the complaint. City / General Contractor

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:


Climate Change Adaptation:

Financial Matters:

There is no financial impact to the City in granting the Public Works Department the requested exemption to the By-Law 6716.


A letter will be delivered to all properties nearby and adjacent to the proposed works (see highlighted properties in Appendix A).


Administration supports the Public W orks Department’s requested exemption to the Noise By-law as nighttime work will minimize the duration of the construction works resulting in a return to normal traffic flow as quickly as possible.

Planning Act Matters: