- Cutting out all lateral services, maintenance holes, and tails (4 to 5 hours)

Construction activities will be carried out during the week and will run 24 hours a day to the extent that the construction operations will allow.

Access to all businesses and residential properties will remain open throughout the construction works.

The properties fronting on the section of Central Avenue culvert are primarily commercial and industrial which would render this area exempt as per the Noise By-law 6716. The properties adjacent to the CSP stormwater sewer, that outlets to the Wolfe Drain, are residential.

Due to the proximity of residential properties in the vicinity of the Central Avenue culvert and on adjacent streets for the CSP storm water sewer, Public Works is seeking a Noise By-Law Exemption in order to:

The proposed nighttime works will involve the relining of the culvert and storm water sewer and associated infrastructure within the right-of-way/working easements and will involve the use of the following noise producing machinery:

The control of construction noise from this project requires that the Contractor maintain equipment in a good operating condition that prevents unnecessary noise (e.g. machinery must be kept in good working order, and no excessive idling of equipment will be permitted). A notification area for the by-law exemption is illustrated in Appendix A.