K. Renaud also informs the Board members that further to the discussion at the February 13 th , 2020 meeting of the Board of Directors, in regards to creating a virtual reality 3D walking tour of the entire Willistead Manor Estate, the FOW Executive authorized a donation for the purchase of a camera to be used for this initiative. The funds were donated to the FOW by a deceased member.

6.5 Education

MJ Dettinger informs the Board members that on March 16 th , 2020 a French class from Académie Ste. Cécile will be visiting the Manor, and another group from the school is scheduled to visit during the month of April.

6.6 Historical

A. Jahns informs the Board members that he has met with Nicole, Hutchinson, who is currently working on the Historical Exhibit and together they searched the Canadian Club archives for items that may be appropriate for the Exhibit.

6.7 Event Planning Committee

C. Gaudette informs the Board members that the Event Planning Committee will be planning a small reception for the Questers Chapter to thank them for their donation for the refurbishing of the Elizabeth Talman Walker portrait. C. Gaudette suggests that the Committee partner with the Friends of Willistead and proposes a tentative date of May 6, 2020, indicating that the reception will provide a wonderful opportunity for the group to view the art piece, which is currently hanging in the Dining Room at the Manor.




The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors, Willistead Manor Inc., will be held Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 4:30 o’clock pm .