6.2 Community Relations and Promotion


6.3 Acquisitions

R. Gauthier informs the Board members that the Elizabeth Talman Walker portrait has been restored and is now hanging in the Dining Room at the Manor and that the two chairs, located in the East Gallery have been reupholstered along with a third chair located by the entrance at the Manor.

Moved by R. Gauthier, seconded by A. Abu-Zahra,

THAT the Board of Directors, Willistead Manor Inc. AUTHORIZE an expenditure to an upset limit of $300 to cover the additional HST for the reupholstering of the three chairs in the Manor; and,

THAT the expenditure BE FUNDED from the Willistead Furnishings Trust



R. Gauthier shows the Board members a container, purchased at DuMouchelles Art Gallery in Detroit, which will be used for the new floral arrangements.

C. Gaudette indicates that DuMouchelles has a beautiful easel at the Gallery that the Acquisitions Committee may be interested in acquiring.

R. Gauthier informs the Committee members that he has, in his possession, a copy of Edward Chandler Walker’s last will and testament, which identifies a number of paintings that he owned along with the beneficiaries of these pieces. R. Gauthier is currently researching the location of these paintings in the hope of being able to acquire some of them to display in the Manor.

6.4 Friends of Willistead (FOW)

K. Renaud informs the Board members that 2020 marks the 40 th Anniversary of the Friends of Willistead as a volunteer group and provides the following list of events that have been planned: