It is important to note that as part of the budget process in 2012 and 2014, the dietary division reduced the staff establishment by 2 FTE. With the significant changes in legislated protocols and resident dietary requirements, it is imperative that the dietary services division have additional positions as the care requirements exceed the current staff establishment.

In summary, this report is requesting to add 9.5 FTE Personal Support Workers, 2 Part-time Nursing Records Assistants, 2 FTE Therapeutic Aides, 1.5 FTE Kitchen Staff positions. All positions are mandated and funded through the CMI (Case Mix Index) increase. Additionally, the estimated shift premium, other pay, uniform costs and computer lease charges are included in this budget issue. These positions are fully funded from the announced Ministry of Long-Term Care funding increases.

Risk Analysis:

Huron Lodge is obligated through the Long Term Care Homes Act and its Regulations to ensure that the home meets the staffing and care standards provided for in the regulations. Without an increase to the staff establishment, Huron Lodge will be at risk of non-compliance with legislated responsibilities and neglecting residents by not providing appropriate and documented care. As stated in the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, “Every licensee of a long -term care home shall protect residents from abuse by anyone and shall ensure that residents are not neglected by the licensee or staff.”

There is also a timing risk as the recruitment process, training and required COVID testing will delay having staff on the floor. Staff are needed immediately due to the second wave of COVID and the ongoing and increased needs of residents. This risk is being mitigated by bringing forward this request to Council at this time.

The Ministry of Long Term Care funding is reconciled against eligible expenditures annually through the Annual Reconciliation Report. There is a risk that, if Huron Lodge reports less eligible expenditures than the funding received, the MLTC will recover that funding from the home. This risk is mitigated through careful monitoring of care needs to ensure maximum uptake of the allocated funding.

Climate Change Risks


Climate Change Mitigation: N/A

Climate Change Adaptation: N/A

Financial Matters:

On July 20, 2020 the Ministry of Long Term Care (MLTC) announced the Funded Case Mix Index (CMI) results to come into effect on August 1, 2020. When applied against the Nursing and Personal Care Per Diem, Huron Lodge’s new Funded CMI adds $975,000 in annual funding to the department. Other per diem increases add an additional $100,000 to the expected annual funding for Huron Lodge.