C. Award of Recycling Processing and Repairs and Maintenance RFP

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that she will explain the report in detail due to the lateness of the Board receiving the report prior to the meeting.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that the purpose of the report is to award the Request for Proposals for the Provision of Labour, Rolling Stock, Tools and Other Supplies for Processing Two-Stream Blue Box Recyclable Materials and Repairs and Maintenance of Processing Equipment in Material Recovery Facilities located in Windsor. She stated that it is the Authority’s recommendation to award the RFP to HGC Management Inc. for the period of December 1, 2020-December 31, 2022 with options for extension in years 2023-2027. The cost for the period December 1, 2020 – December 31, 2022 is $5,478,000 excluding HST. The total cost is $19,572,000 excluding HST for all years.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that a recent Board meeting in July the Board approved the Authority’s recommendation to issue an RFP. The RFP was posted on the Bids and Tenders Procurement portal on the County of Essex website and closed on September 9, 2020. She stated that the contract with the current contractor, Windsor Disposal/GFL, will expire on November 30, 2020.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that the RFP was advertised on the Bids and Tenders portal on the County of Essex website, EWSWA website, MERX, Biddingo, Windsor Star and County newspapers (Amherstburg, Leamington, Essex, Harrow). She also stated that emails were also sent directly to ten companies, the Ontario Waste Management Association of Ontario, Recycling Council of Ontario and the Canadian Plastics Industry Association.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated there were 14 plan takers of the RFP, however, on September 9, 2020, five bid packages were submitted. The submissions were reviewed for compliance and no issues were found with the five submissions. The companies who made submissions were 1869096 Ontario Ltd. (Canadian Transfer), Environmental 360 Solutions, GFL Environmental Inc., Halton Recycling Ltd. (dba. Emterra Environmental) and HGC Management Inc.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated the highest combined Technical and Financial score was obtained by HGC Management Inc. The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that the contract term puts the Authority in line with the transition to the producers.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that HGC has been in business for 30 years. HGC provided similar service to EWSWA in the mid to late 1990’s.

Moved by Marc Bondy

Seconded by Gary McNamara

  1. THAT the Authority Board award the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Provision of Labour, Rolling Stock, Tools and Other Supplies for Processing Two Stream Blue Box Recyclable Materials and Repairs and Maintenance of