Processing Equipment in Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) located in Windsor to HGC Management Inc.


Carried Unanimously

10. Other Items

Mr. Costante put forth the following motion:

Moved by Fabio Costante  

Seconded by Kieran McKenzie

THAT “Administration to report back at the October 2020 meeting EWSWA’s plan for a regional food and organic waste collection service to ensure we meet legislated deadlines.”

Councillor/Board Member Costante stated further that “The intent of the motion is to get a process initiated to examine, on a regional basis, an EWSWA plan and to set out a framework for how we will proceed in the coming years. i.e. setting up a task force, timelines, etc.”


Carried Unanimously

11. By-Laws

A. By-Law 13-2020

Moved by Ed Sleiman
Seconded by Marc Bondy

THAT By-Law 13-2020, Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority and HGC Management Inc. for the Provision of Labour, Rolling Stock, Tools and Other Supplies for Processing Two-Stream Blue Box Recyclable Materials and Repairs for Maintenance and Processing Equipment in Material Recovery Facilities.


Carried Unanimously